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1. The Cadbury Dairy Milk ‘For You, I Would’ Campaign (“Campaign”) is organised by Mondelez Malaysia Sales Sdn Bhd [Company Registration Number 200101000795 (536551-W)] (“the Organiser”) and is open to all legal residents of Malaysia aged 18 years and above as of the start of the Campaign Date, 25 June 2024.


2. The following group of persons shall not be eligible to participate in the Campaign:


  • 1. a)  Employees of the Organiser (including its affiliated and related companies) and their immediate family members (children, parents, brothers and sisters, including spouses); and

  • 2. b)  Representatives, employees, servants and/or agents of advertising and/or Campaign service providers of the Organiser (including its affiliated and related companies), and their immediate family members (children, parents, brothers and sisters, including spouses).




1. The Campaign period will be from 5 July 2024 at “00:00”AM till 30 September 2024 at “23:59”PM (“Campaign Period”). The Organiser shall reserve the right to revise the Campaign Period at any time without prior notice or assign any reason whatsoever. All submissions received after the Campaign Period shall be null and void without further notice.




1. To enter the Campaign:


  • a)  Log into the Cadbury Dairy Milk ‘For You, I Would’ microsite (www.cadbury.com.sg/messages)

  • b) Click on the “Create Your Bar Prompt”

  • c) Enter First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Date of Birth in the log in details OR log in using Meta or Google

  • d) Fill in participant’s own name, relationship and participant’s message to his/her recipient

  • e) Complete submission with the generated e-message.


2. The criteria for a valid entry are as follows:


  • a)  A minimum of one (1) completed e-message from the participant.

  • b) Fully completed login details – Enter First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Date of Birth

3. Participants may submit as many entries as they want as long as it meets the submission and

qualifying criteria.


4. Entries with unclear and/or incomplete details shall be forfeited. Participants will be identified by their name, and mobile contact number submitted. All entries must be received by the Organiser on or before 23:59 PM of 30 September 2024.


5. Any entries that contain profane or inappropriate language will be disqualified.


6. If the e-message is submitted, Participants must retain the e-message submitted throughout the Campaign Period for verification.


7. The Organiser shall not be liable for any delay, lost, damaged and/or non-receipt of submissions, any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission,communications line failure, or any problems or technical malfunction of telecommunicationsnetwork or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software,failure of e-mail or Participants account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet.


8. The Organiser will not reply or send any message on any successful entry or respond to any queries.




  • 1. Eligible entries must comply with the Submission & Qualifying Criteria mentioned above.

  • 2. The Organiser shall reserve the right and absolute discretion to substitute the Prizes with another of similar value, at any time without prior notice or the need to provide any reason. The Prizes are non- transferable and are given on an “as is” basis and are not exchangeable for cash or any prizes of equivalent value. Each Winner is entitled to win one (1) type of Prize only throughout the Campaign Period.




  • 1. There are one hundred (100) Prizes available for this Campaign which consists of One Year Supply of Cadbury chocolates worth more than RM2,000.00 each.




  • 1. After the Campaign, one hundred (100) Winners will be determined by the Organiser based on the top one hundred (100) creative meaningful submissions

  • 2. Selected participants will be eligible to win 1 prize each. Multiple entries do not qualify participants to be selected for more than 1 prize.

  • 3. No appeal shall be entertained for any reason whatsoever and the decision of the Organiser shall be final.




  • 1. Shortlisted Winners will be contacted (up to a maximum of three (3) attempts) via WhatsApp by the appointed Campaign agency for verification and will be required to answer one (1) question relating to the Campaign to be eligible for the Prizes. In the event the shortlisted Winners fail to respond within seven (7) working days after the 3rd contact has been made, the Organiser reserves the right to disqualify the shortlisted Winners and find replacement Winners for the Prize.




  • 1. The Prizes are delivered based on the details provided by the Winners that were submitted. Winnersare responsible for providing a correct and valid address. They shall assume full responsibility and liabilityin case of damage, loss, or theft. Winners who require representatives to claim the Prizes on their behalfmust ensure that their representatives provide authorization letters issued by the Winners together withthe submission and copies of the Winners’ NRIC. Failure to comply with the foregoing shall result inforfeiture of the Prizes. No late Prizes redemption shall be entertained for any reason whatsoever.




  • 1. The Organiser shall not be liable for any incomplete, lost, late, damaged, illegible or misdirected entries for any reason whatsoever or problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof (including but not limited to) any injury or damage to the Participants or their personal computer or telecommunication device related to or resulting from participation in the Campaign and it’s mechanics.

  • 2. To the extent permitted by law, each Participant and any person acting on his/her behalf agree that the Organiser shall not be responsible and / or liable for any loss, injury, death, claim or damage suffered by any person arising out of or in connection with the Campaign and / or use of the Prizes, and shall release completely and indemnify the Organiser from any or all claims losses, damages, costs or expenses incurred in connection therewith.

  • 3. The Participants shall indemnify and keep the Organiser and its officers, agents and employees (quot;the Indemnified Partiesquot;) fully indemnified against any and all loss, damage, claims and costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) suffered and/or incurred by any of the Indemnified Parties as a result of the Participants’ breach of any of these Terms and Conditions.

  • 4. The Organiser assumes no responsibility or liability for the acts or defaults of merchants or thirdparties, any non-delivery, non-performance or defects in any Prize given out in the course of theCampaign. The Organiser makes no representation or warranty whatsoever in respect of anyPrize, whether as to the satisfactory quality or performance or otherwise whatsoever. For theavoidance of doubt, the Organiser is not an agent of any merchant or vice versa. Any disputeshould be resolved directly with the relevant merchant.




  • 1. By participating in the Campaign, the Participants give consent and absolute right to the Organiser to use, including but not limited to, their names, photographs, video clips and their Prizes as materials for the purposes of advertising, marketing, trade and/or publicity, without any prior notice. The Participants shall not be entitled to claim ownership and/or other forms of  compensation for the use of the materials by the Organiser.

  • 2. The Organiser reserves the right to modify, suspend and/or cancel the Campaign at any time without the need to provide any notice or assign any reason whatsoever. The Organiser reservesthe right and sole discretion, to disqualify any Participant that is found or suspected of tamperingwith the Campaign submission process or the operation of the Campaign and the Organiserreserves the right to pursue legal action against any individual it believes has undertakenfraudulent activities or other activities to the detriment of the Campaign.




1. Participants’ partaking in the Campaign is conditional upon the Participants consenting to the Organiser and its affiliated companies and business units using the Participants’ personal data for the following purposes which are in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012:


  • a) to notify the Participants if they have won the Prizes;

  • b) to conduct, manage, and administer the Campaign including verifying the identity of Participants for participation or Prize collection;

  • c) for consumer research, analysis, promotional, advertising and marketing purposes; and

  • d) for the Organiser and its affiliates to obtain feedback on its products and services.


2. The Organiser and its affiliated companies and business units may share a Participant’s personaldata between themselves for administrative purposes, and with third parties supporting theiradministrative and business functions. In some cases, this may involve the storage, use,disclosure or other processing, or transfer of Participant’s personal data out of Malaysia. TheOrganiser and its affiliated companies and business units may also share a Participant’s personaldata with third parties to carry out cross-promotion. By participating in the Campaign, theParticipants consent to the use of their personal data for the purposes listed above.


3. Each Participant also agrees that all worldwide intellectual property rights in any statement,materials or content submitted, made or created by a Participant in connection with the Campaignand any derivative works arising therefrom will be perpetually and unconditionally vested in,assigned to, and owned by the Organiser or its affiliated companies. The Organiser has the rightto use and modify such materials and / works in any way it deems fit without the need to provideany compensation to any Participant and each Participant unconditionally and irrevocably waivesall rights (including moral rights) he or she may have in such materials or works. The Participanthereby expressly waives any and all rights which the Participant may acquire or have and anyother moral rights which the Participant may have or be entitled under any such legislation nowexisting or in the future enacted in any part of the world.


4. Any information, personal data and material about or obtained from the Participants may beaccessed, stored or otherwise processed in any medium or format determined by the Organiser.


5. Any trademarks, graphic symbols, logos or intellectual property contained in any materials usedin connection with the Campaign, in particular that relating to the Campaign Prizes, are theproperty of their respective owners. The Campaign and Organiser are not affiliated with, orendorsed or sponsored by, the relevant owners, where such owners are independent and not partof the Mondelez group of companies.




  • 1. By entering this Campaign, the Participants agree to be bound by the Terms Conditions of the Campaign and the decisions of the Organiser.

  • 2. The Campaign Terms Conditions and the Campaign mechanics may be amended from time to
    time and shall prevail over any provisions or representations contained in any other promotional
    material or advertising of the Campaign.

  • 3. Participants are advised to visit the Organiser’s website from time to time to refer to the latest Campaign Terms Conditions.

  • 4. The Campaign Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia and subject to
    the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysia courts.

  • 5. The Winners are strictly prohibited from selling the Prizes irrespective of the reason.

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